
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pranic Healing for Business, Homes, Relationship, Projects and Studies

Pranic Healing for Business, Homes, Relationship, Projects and Studies

In Pranic healing, we believe that we are all made of 'prana' or life-force that runs through our body, like water and sponge, and also envelopes it. The stronger and healthier our prana, the bigger, more spread out and more potent this energy field around us, also called the "energy body".

One of the basic tools of pranic healing is the ability to feel and analyse this energy body. In a process called ' scanning ', a healer's hands, made sensitive by experience and concentration, can make out which areas of the body and mind are lacking in energy and so, fairing poorly.

Pranic healing is accomplished through very simple procedures which are easy to learn. The first process is 'cleansing' - to remove the devitalized, diseased energy in the whole body or in the affected part, and to remove blockages in the energy channels. The second process is 'energizing' - to replenish and reinvigorate the body with fresh prana or vital energy.

Pranic healing uses "no drugs or gadgets". It is non-invasive and requires "no physical contact" with the patient. Physical touch in not required while healing, because the practitioner applies pranic healing on the energy body, rather than on the physical body. It has no side effects. However, it must be emphasized that Pranic Healing is not meant to replace the allopathic system of medicine, but in fact to complement and supplement it. It can be effectively combined with any other form of treatment. It can be used for self healing and healing other people even thousand miles away.

There is a lot more to Pranic Healing than just healing part. It not only makes you aware of the aura around the human body - the 'chakras' (energy centers) and their effects on our health, but also teaches us how to feel or scan the aura and determine which parts of the chakras may be affected. By learning about energy, we become more conscious about its ubiquitous presence, be it in people, buildings or even objects. Just by recognizing the existence of energy, we learn the possibilities of the healing process and bring in harmony and productivity to every aspect of our lives. Pranic Healers around the world have started using Pranic Healing for their businesses, homes, relationships, projects and studies with fantastic results.

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