
Monday, August 31, 2009

Some Tips About Breastfeeding

Some Tips About Breastfeeding

In recent years, more and more hospitals have been encouraging mothers and largely, parents, to breastfeed their children. The act of nursing of one's child is beneficial to both mother and child. Therefore, if you choose to provide for your child in this manner, there are a few tips that can be helpful in this journey.

Don't Wait
As soon as you are physically able to nurse your child, go ahead and do so. Do not wait until you leave the hospital to begin. Among other things, it will not only convey to your baby that this is how he/she will be satisfied when hungry, but it can also quicken the bonding process.

More Milk
Many mothers are concerned and at times even scared that they may not produce enough milk to satisfy their child. This is understandable and although every woman's body is different, as a rule, the more you allow the child to nurse, the more milk your breast will produce. So, keep offering it to the child.

Clues from Baby
Most often than not, as a last resort, babies will cry when they are hungry, but before they get to that point, they may indicate to you, in other ways that they are hungry. One of these ways is putting their finger and or their hand into their mouths.

Another clue is turning their heads as if looking for the nipple. So, when you notice these clues, jump in there and do not wait until the baby begins to cry to meet his/her need.

By observing and acting on these clues, it can help to teach the child that he/she does not have to cry, before their hunger need is met.

Length of Time
It is usually recommended that a baby be nursed on one breast for about fifteen minutes, burp the baby and then offer the next breast for another fifteen minutes. However, I find that for the first few months they may spend as much as one hour, nursing. Therefore, make sure that you are in a comfortable position and allow the baby to tell you when he/she is full, instead of following the clock.

Don't Give Up
Keep at it and although at times it may seem demanding, it is well worth it.


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